What quality beans does MQ Coffee use?
A: MQ Coffee uses premium coffee beans with SCA score 85+/100, and has 14 years of premium coffee roasting experience by SCA certified roasters.

How many tests are conducted for our products at MQ Coffee?
MQ Coffee conducted over 100 product tests, including 96 coffee blend test, 208 roast adjustments, and 101 blind test discussions.

How is the coffee in MQ Coffee drip bags preserved to maintain freshness?
MQ Coffee uses leading preservation technology in the industry, charging the coffee with 99.999% pure nitrogen, to keep the original coffee flavour well-preserved for 180 days after being roasted.

What packaging does MQ Coffee use for their coffee drip bags?
MQ Coffee uses food grade non-woven fabric bags that balance the filtering speed and extraction, making it easy to produce cafe-quality coffee. Each bag contains 10 grams of coffee powder, kept in a nitrogen-charged bag to maintain freshness for 365 days.